
Updated April 2024

As this introduction is being written, the season is nearing its conclusion. How the time has flown by, it seems like it started only a few weeks ago.

Last year my season-ending project was to do one article for each team in the league. That was both a lot of fun and a lot of work. It’s hard to come up with 32 different ideas so that there is something special for each team’s article.

This year my season-ending project is more in keeping with my available free time. As I have less free time than I did last year, I have fewer ambitions.

First up will be the season-ending data gathering and data processing that produce the main statistics for Stapled to the Bench (STTB): Productivity Rating and Value Rating.

After that will come several articles. Alphabetically, there will be articles on:

  1. All-Star teams.
  2. Awards (Regular Season).
  3. Best Season.
  4. Draft Class update.
  5. Goalie of the Year.
  6. Hall of Fame update.
  7. Most Valuable Player.
  8. Rookie of the Year.

A few more articles may pop into my mind as the work is being done.

An article related to the Ottawa Senator’s quest for a Right-Shot-Defenseman is in its planning stages.

STTB wishes you an enjoyable playoff run (unless you are in Toronto, in which case we wish you your normal playoff run) and a relaxing summer. Whatever your summer sport is, enjoy it as much as possible.

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